

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”

For everyone at Royal Fort Infracom protection of the environment is a core value integrated deeply into day-to-day operations. Sustainability is achieved when business practices that are good for the company are also good for the environment. Therefore, every activity within the organization and with our supply-chain partners is based on trade practices which reduce our footprint and make our business more sustainable.

We are consistently reviewing our processes to prevent adverse impact on the environment, reduce waste and emissions and promote conservation of resources at every step.

Each employee is aligned with the company’s environmentally friendly policies, which results in greater coordination with our partners – like-minded companies that are equally committed to protecting the environment. By implementing resource conservation and green supply chain management, we are able to eliminate waste and generate cost savings for every stakeholder. We ensure that our products and operations comply with the applicable government standards.

Royal Fort Infracom is a team of professionals who strive to not only achieve commercial success, but to do so in a manner which supports the environment, and solidifies our reputation as an environmentally sustainable company.